How to Use an Audiographer's Skills to Enhance Voice Over Recording

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A voice over recording is someone speaking (not seen) over a film or television often speaking about, emphasising, explaining, or adding extra context to what an audience sees. However, it s often mistaken (or sometimes even equated) with narrator. A narrator presents text on screen that the viewer can follow, often using voice-overs to help aid this effort. Voice over work doesn't need to be done entirely in one language - in fact, most successful films and television programmes use multiple languages, with English, Spanish, Chinese and French being the most common. This is because the audience will tend to understand the language in which the film or television show is produced, whether the source is English, French, Chinese or Spanish. You can get this service at an affordable price here.

The best way to get a voice over recording job is by taking voice overs for various projects. If you have a website that contains clips of your voice and you're looking to improve its traffic, you could try audiating the site - the recordings will show up in your client's web browser, helping the site to be found. Another place to try audiating is through websites where you can buy stock voice over downloads: you can then send an email or call a client to purchase the download after listening to the demo. If you'd rather try out your voice over recording without purchasing a product, you can record yourself reading from scratch. There are a number of free software programs that will let you do this.

If you're working in the recording studio, the next step will be to set up the mic, and getting your equipment set up in the correct places. In the main room, where you'll likely perform live voice over work, there should be a dedicated " MIC " slot. Get your equipment set up there, and use your mouse pointer to select your mouth and the appropriate noise from your reel - a high pitched voice usually needs more bass than a lower-pitched one, for instance. Click away from your computer if you need to, and notice how the mic sounds. If it sounds great and has good volume, then you've got a good mic and you're ready to go. You can learn about voice over recording at

Now, let's say you've recorded a narration for your client - what's next? Depending on whether your narration is of a child or an adult, you might not need a mic, but you might need a background sound system (that'll allow you to add other sounds, such as a cooking stove or other sounds that may be needed with your narration). With your laptop, search for MP3s with appropriate file formats. Find a good voice over artist who has samples of his or her work that you can listen to, and use those to pick the voice over samples that you want.

Now it's time to try your first narration. Running the audio in Audience Response lets you see how many people (and people in your specific party) are hearing your recording. You can also adjust the pace of your audiate so that it matches the pacing of your video. For instance, if you're narrating a medical situation, adjust the speed of your audio to correspond with the pace of the clip, or play it at a slower rate and then speed it up when something new happens in the clip. This saves you time, and ensures that your audiate makes a good first impression.

When you're done recording your script, you can send it along to a qualified audiate. He or she will take your script and create the exact look and feel that you want to achieve with your video, and the voices and actions that fit your script. That way he or she can create a recording that perfectly matches your desires, without changing the final product in any way. Knowledge is power and so you would like to top up what you have learned in this article at